フランスのミニマル・ハウスシーンの立役者、Cabanne。音楽理論を学び、ジャズ&ソウルを学んだギタリスト(93年から98年までファンクバンドFLAGのメンバーとして活動していた。)であったことは、彼の作品に今もその名残を残す。その後、Daniel Bellのレーベル7th Cityから作品を発表し、ZipによるPerlonからもArkとのユニットCopacabannarkとして諸作を発表する。Dimbiman(a.k.a Zip)、Luciano、DanielBell、Richie Hawtin、Akufen、Ricardo Villalobosによる伝説的プロジェクトNarod Nikiにも参加し、シーンのトップアーティストとしての名を確立した。Telegraph、MinibarといったレーベルのA&Rとしても手腕を発揮し、David GluckとのUltrakurt、RhadooとのCabsum名義でコンスタントに話題作を残している。2016年にはアルバム『Discopathy』を発表。DJとしての評価も高く、安定感抜群のグルーヴィなスタイルは、シーンの絶大な信頼を獲得している
Musician, Dj and producer, Cabanne is nowadays regarded as the reference in France of underground House music.
When techno music reaches France in the 90’s, Cabanne is already immersed in the music world.
His training as a guitarist is the result of his music theory studies and a long-term Jazz & Soul education (he’s part of FLAG, a funk music group, from 93 to 98), all of which brings this particular groove to his productions.
Cabanne is one of the most forward-thinking artists of the house music scene and the first French one to sign on 7th City, Daniel Bell’s label, and Perlon, Zip and Markus Nicolaï’s label (with Copacabannark, one of his alias with the artist Ark).
In 1999, he becomes a member of the legendary project Narodnikki, which was presented at the Mutek Festival in Montreal (2003) as an improvised show with the entire group: Richie Hawtin, Daniel Bell, Zip, Akufen, Luciano, Dandy Jack et Ricardo Villalobos.
He also shares the scene with David Gluck (alias Ultrakurt), signed on his label Minibar founded in 2005 wich has also artists such as Audio Werner, Fumiya Tanaka, Cabsum (his collaboration with Rhadoo).
Cabanne recently released his album “Discopathy”.
When techno music reaches France in the 90’s, Cabanne is already immersed in the music world.
His training as a guitarist is the result of his music theory studies and a long-term Jazz & Soul education (he’s part of FLAG, a funk music group, from 93 to 98), all of which brings this particular groove to his productions.
Cabanne is one of the most forward-thinking artists of the house music scene and the first French one to sign on 7th City, Daniel Bell’s label, and Perlon, Zip and Markus Nicolaï’s label (with Copacabannark, one of his alias with the artist Ark).
In 1999, he becomes a member of the legendary project Narodnikki, which was presented at the Mutek Festival in Montreal (2003) as an improvised show with the entire group: Richie Hawtin, Daniel Bell, Zip, Akufen, Luciano, Dandy Jack et Ricardo Villalobos.
He also shares the scene with David Gluck (alias Ultrakurt), signed on his label Minibar founded in 2005 wich has also artists such as Audio Werner, Fumiya Tanaka, Cabsum (his collaboration with Rhadoo).
Cabanne recently released his album “Discopathy”.